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May 28, 2021 The Christian Century
When She Gave Me Words, She Gave Me God.
January 13, 2021 The Christian Century
Why didn't Jesus come as a woman, my daughter asked.
November 27, 2019 The Christian Century
Since my son's accident, everything I believe about hope has changed.
February 11, 2015 Journey with Jesus
The grownups are singing, "Just as I am," in the pew behind me.
July 26, 2018 The Christian Century
I've stopped trying to climb over it or knock it down. Now I just sit there.
November 5, 2017 Journey with Jesus
I was raised with a precise and comprehensive picture of who God is.
December 11, 2016 Journey with Jesus
And in those moments the possibility of You grows and grows until I am unhoused and undone, almost too alive for this world.
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